Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Halfway To Home

The orange dusk sun settles
Snug against dark treeline,
Tainting treetops pale pink.

Our truck's shadow moving
Along trunks and branches,
Fades as the fire-sphere sinks.

Ahead, purple sky spans
Above cold, dark ditches,
And a snow-dusted road

Leading to familiar
people, know-by-heart towns,
and a comfortable abode.

We're nearly halfway home.

This is what I consider to be one of my first formal poems. It's something I scribbled down on paper while riding in Calvin's truck on our way home a few weeks ago. I looked outside the window and noticed that the evening sun had turned a deep orange and was beginning to set. This changed the color of the woods along the road we were driving on, creating a very lovely sight. I sat wishing I had a camera with so that I could capture it, and then it dawned on me that I could write it down on paper. So here it is for you to enjoy.