If you're of the "outdoorsy" persuasion you've also probably noticed that chickadees and ravens aren't the only birds out and about anymore.
Robins are starting to appear around our cabin, and more and more birds are showing up at the feeders. Soon birds will start building their nests, so they'll out gathering building materials.

I came across this idea on a website and I thought it was sort of a fun and simple spring activity to help out my little feathered neighbors. The idea is that when birds start building their nests they will take some of the yarn and weave it into the sticks on the exterior of the nest or line the inside with them. I hope it works and that I'm able to find some colorful nests in the woods around my cabin.
Here are some other websites I found for other bird projects:
Bird Houses
Bird Feeders
And don't forget to help out the bats! You may not like them, but they'll keep the misquotes away!
Bat Houses
Here's one of the locals thanking you for your future contribution to their neighborhood housing and community food share project.

Happy spring, everyone! Get out of hibernation mode and spend some time outside!
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